My name is Bob Barron. A native of Minnesota, I’ve lived and worked in 8 states and now split my time between Wisconsin and North Carolina. I’ve been a woodworker, carpenter, mechanic, and registered nurse for over 30 years. I love what I do and continually try to improve my manual and customer service skills. Since retiring from hospice nursing in 2010 I’ve returned to carpentry and handyman work full time
I’m a working fool for most of the year, often 7 days a week, and then I’m off traveling, sometimes for weeks at a time, and to Europe, most recently Holland and Spain. My travel is usually centered on art museums and historic or ancient regions. The Roman ruins in Merida, Spain and the original Rembrandts in the Prado museum in Madrid, for instance, were incredibly thrilling to me.
I have too many interests but the ones I steadily pursue are traveling, motorcycling, photography, exercising, kayaking and sailing, historical research, gardening, and wellness. Etc.
Doors, doors, doors
I love working on doors – repairing, adjusting, replacing, refinishing. During my 30+ years of working in the building trades I’ve observed that doors seem to be the least understood component in home repair so I’ve made this my niche.
The range and quality of new doors these days is encouraging. My current favorite exterior doors are the fiberglass Therma Tru doors. They’re energy efficient and provide a beautiful stain or paint finish. Installing them is usually a pretty straight-forward job.
A good storm door is a great investment in energy savings and they’ve improved over the years. Andersen Windows offers some of the best quality storm doors and their Emco line is a little less expensive but still a good buy.
The gates in your fences are often added as an afterthought and not very well constructed. Check out my photos of one of the gates I built so see how it should be done.
If you have doors on your mind, like I do, contact me and let’s go from there.
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